Saturday, January 23, 2010

Should you do your own will or use an attorney?

While 98% of my practice is serious injuries, accidents, nursing homes, medical malpractice and disability, I have always helped people with wills and the other documents related to that. I warn parents of minors that they need to specify guardians to raise the children to avoid custody battles.

I offer a package that includes: 1) Last Will & Testament; 2) Living Will; 3) Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare; 4) Durable General Power of Attorney, for each person, that is 8 documents, with copies and notarization, etc. for $595.00 per couple.

That price was many struck years ago when an acquaintance was charged over $600 for simple wills in Memphis, and I said, "Man I would have done all you needed for that at one time." I have just never gone up.

You are free to use internet forms or bought forms, just like you are to do your own deeds in a closing, set up your own financial planning, and diagnose your own illness with internet resources, obtaining pills directly from the web. (Saves you a doc's visit and fees, I guess.)

However, I did a little probate way back as a baby attorney and can tell you if you wind up broke, or all is unusually smooth, then fine, you saved like $350! But, due to your drafting, If there is but one simple question that needs to be researched or discussed in court at all, that $350. you "saved" will be eaten up in fees in probate, along with more (all that money is shunted from your heirs).

Additionally, there is value to a lawyer's counsel and questions being answered. It's not primarily forms attorneys sell. I encourage you to seek an attorney and not do it yourself, wherever you go. "A lawyers time and advice are his stock in trade" ~Abraham Lincoln

Just my two cents worth.

David B. Peel, Attorney at Law

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

creation vs. Evolution Part 3- death and the Haiti earthquake

PART 3 of 12

DEATH – No Second Chances
As I write this, people in Haiti are still struggling to recover from the massive earthquake that toppled most of their homes and buildings. Many tens of thousands are dead, and the actual numbers may never fully be known.
Everyone’s heart goes out to the victims, the orphans, the widows, the amputees and the lost. Heroes of all walks of life and nationalities sacrificed to free survivors from the rubble, render aid to the injured and to reunite the disconnected.
Compassion has prompted millions from all over the world to donate their time and resources. Christian relief agencies are at the forefront of this relief effort, along with secular groups and various military assets.
Every time there is a major disaster, such as an earthquake, tsunami or a flood, people ask an ancient question: “How can a good, all powerful God let evil and suffering happen?”
Interestingly, it is Biblical Creationism that holds the answer.
Death is an intruder. It was never part of the original plan. Our bodies fight to their last breath to live, shutting down blood to the least vital organs first. When a child dies before his parents do, or when a loved one dies in the “prime” of life, it seems wrong deep in our innermost being. When someone, even a stranger, is in peril, we instinctively want to help. Multiplied billions are spent to preserve life and resist death in hospitals and nursing homes. The elderly often spend their wealth to try and reclaim their health. We donate organs to help preserve the lives of those will never even meet. Life itself is at the heart of impassioned debates of capital punishment, euthanasia and abortion. At our core, we recognize the importance and value of life, and resist death at almost any cost. Why?
God created us in perfect world, called Eden. Note that God did not create a world of death, disease, and suffering. The Bible explains in Genesis 1-3 that death came into creation because of sin. Death is the enemy.
Most Evolutionists often will agree that the earthquake was a tragedy. If they argue that death in any scale is somehow evil or “out of place” acknowledges, at a very basic level, that death is the enemy. However, a true and consistent evolutionist would have to agree that death is not only natural, but also fundamentally necessary. You see, unlike creation, the theory of evolution takes a LOT of death to happen! Carl Sagan, a famous evolutionist, explained:
“The secrets of evolution are time and death. Time for the slow accumulations of favorable mutations, and death to make room for new species.”
-Carl Sagan, Cosmos, program entitled “One Voice in the Cosmic Fugue.”
Darwin’s theory requires death and lots of it over long periods of time. Time for evolution to occur and death to remove the weaker forms not able to survive. This allows the “strongest” to survive. Atheistic Evolution can only explain that tragedies like earthquakes should promote the bettering of all of mankind, since death is the means by which “progression” is made. Death, according to evolution, certainly is not all bad.
That does not mean that Evolutionists do not recoil at the scenes of death and suffering. Evolutionists are likely there working right beside others in Haiti helping those injured. Compassion is a human trait that an atheistic worldview does not usually fully remove. I was once a holder of the atheistic evolutionary view and still personally felt moved by suffering and death. The Bible teaches that death is the end of earthly life, and there are no second chances after we breathe our last. In fact, we are all in a second chance here on Earth that God gave the world through His Son.
Atheistic Evolution teaches that all matter and energy merely transforms itself randomly through death, and this life is all there is. But, if there is no Heaven or Hell, no eternity, no God, no final judgment, why does Death seem so…“wrong?”
The Bible teaches that are all one human race in a broken and fallen creation where death has invaded. Evolution teaches that human life is only that of smarter monkeys. God says He sent His only Son to die in our place and to offer Heaven after death. God initially called everything he made “good.” It was not a godless, mechanically random series of death and suffering that gave us the fossils we find. It was the massive flood of Noah’s day that gave us the “second chance” to be here now and laid down the fossil record.
Don’t fall for the claim that Evolution is just science. Don’t believe that it is just some bookish philosophy. It has serious implications. It is incompatible with the clear reading of the Bible. For instance, Carl Sagan implied that death is permanent and necessary.
Ready for some good news? Death, for the Christian, it is but a doorway to Heaven. And, Death is a not even a permanent part of this world. Prior to sin in the Garden, it did not exist. One day in the future, there will again be no death. God will one day “wipe away every tear from our eyes” (Revelation 21:1–8) and restore perfection.
As Brad Paisley wrote in his hit song, “When I Get Where I’m Going”, we will be able to “leave our heart wide open; [we] will love and have no fear.” We will have no fear of loss, no death, no sickness, no famine, no earthquakes, no sin, and no pain. Believers will be those who have used humanity’s second chance to trust Christ. Don’t allow the hollow philosophy of evolution to dilute your faith. Creation provides answers to not only the past, but our present.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


World Vision is rushing emergency supplies to thousands left homeless by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti. World Vision has worked in Haiti for 30 years and has some 370 staff members on the ground. We are distributing emergency survival kits — including food, water, blankets and tents to provide immediate aid to affected children and families.

Also, You can text "Haiti" to 90999. It will donate $10 to Red Cross by adding it to your cell phone.

World Vision:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

TRIBUTE to my DAD 1943-2009

A Tribute to My Dad,

Dr. Wi lliam C. Peel, Jr.

MARCH 18, 1943 - DECEMBER 16, 2009


My Dad, Dr. William “Bill” Peel, Jr., 66 of El Dorado passed away in his sleep Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at his El Dorado, Arkansas residence as the result of multiple pulmonary embolisms. While his passing was completely unexpected, it was peaceful.

He was a Clinical Psychologist and Executive Director of South Arkansas Regional Health Center in El Dorado. Dr. Peel spent his life helping others both professionally and personally.

Dad was born March 18, 1943 in Arlington, TN to William “Chaffee” Peel, Sr. and Martha Marie Britton Peel. He attended Bolton High School where he was the captain of the basketball team and married the Homecoming Queen, Brenda Jo Griffin. I was born to them in 1969.

Dad spent his young life helping sharecrop behind the old Bond Motor Company in Arlington. The first in the family to go to college, he earned multiple degrees, including his Ph.D. in psychology in 1970 from Memphis State University. He served others in Georgia, Missouri, and Kentucky before moving his family to El Dorado, Arkansas in 1974, where he served as clinical coordinator of the South Arkansas Regional Health Center until 1983. From 1983 until his passing, he served as Executive Director of the center he loved. He died as he wanted, in that he had appointments with patients still on the calendar for that day. In fact, he is the only known Executive Director of such a large center to continue to see a full load of patients.

He has served as president of the Arkansas Board Examiners in Psychology, Arkansas Behavior Therapy Association, Arkansas Council of Community Mental Health Centers, MHCA Enterprises and served on the Board of Directors of Mental Health Corporations of America. His professional achievements are overshadowed by his dedication to a life of serving others most in need of help and least able to help themselves due to mental illness or developmental issues.

Patients from all over the area attended services and said they owed the success they now enjoyed in their lives to Dr. Peel. Mental Health professional and board members from all over Arkansas came to honor him. Some said they owed their whole career to his mentoring.

He loved the outdoors and raised me to do the same. 
Untold hours were spent on the local lakes bass fishing, or in the deer woods hunting. At Memorial services Saturday in El Dorado, and at the funeral here Monday, I was able to muddle through stories of hunting and fishing adventures that showed Dad’s great sense of humor.

His mother, (my grandmother) Marie Peel is the most giving person I have ever known, and she passed that along to Dad. Her sister Millie, and Grandmother still live in Arlington. His wonderful brother, Bobby Peel and his wife, Barbara reside in Cordova.

My wife Trish and I are raising his three grandchildren, Joshua Britton Peel, Collin David Peel, Megan Elise Peel here in Arlington, with the help of my Mom, Jo Peel. 
My Dad was buried next to his father and grandfather at Arlington Cemetery in Arlington, Tennessee. 

If you wish, Memorials may be made to South Arkansas Regional Health Center, 715 North College, El Dorado, AR 71730 to help continue to my Dad’s life’s work in Southern Arkansas.

Thank you Dad. You let me know you were proud of the man and father I became. I will carry that all my days until I am laid there near you myself.