New Year’s Resolutions
This is the time of year when many will make those promises to themselves, we call “New Year’s Resolutions.”
Here are a few suggested ones, on both the legal and personal fronts that may prove helpful:
1. Spend more time with a child. Children spell “LOVE” as T-I-M-E.
2. Spend less than you make, or you will always be behind. If you are in debt, rather than pay a little extra on everything, try targeting one at a time with all you can raise.
3. Have your Will, Living Will, and Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare drawn up by an attorney of your choice.
4. Forgive those who have wronged you. It may not be healthy or safe to actually restore them back into your life, but forgiving them is a gift you give yourself.
5. Get a physical and listen to what your doctor recommends. If you smoke, please quit. Start walking regularly, preferably with your spouse.
6. Just in case there is a fire, earthquake or flood, take a video tape of the inside of your house, garage and attic, and send the tape off to a friend or relative far away. If you have an insurance claim, the proof of claim forms will be a breeze compared to doing it by memory alone.
7. Give to the church or charity of your choice. “Takers eat well, givers sleep well.”
8. Call up a friend, coach, pastor or teacher you have not seen a in while.
9. Check with your car insurance agent and make absolutely sure that you have plenty of Uninsured Motorist (UM) insurance on every car. Don’t assume that “full coverage”includes that if you are with a discounted insurance company. Also, a car lot that carries insurance on your vehicle does not generally pay for that. Please check it. It pays you if you are hit by a hit and run driver, or an under insured driver.
10. Attend the church of your choice this year. Examine the evidence for God and His Son, for one day, maybe this very year, you will meet Him.
11. Install at least two smoke detectors, and put new batteries in any you have.
12. If you are married, tell your spouse how you feel about them every day.
13. If you are in a parental role, tell the children you are proud of them. All kids need Attention, Affection and Affirmation every day.
14. If you have choice this year between upgrading to a nicer car or getting a nicer house, choose the house.
15. Work hard, but take time off when you can. After all, no one on his death bed, ever rose up to say that he wished he had spent just a little more time at work!
Happy New Year!