Friday, June 11, 2010

Predictions for the Future

Predictions for the Future

The future is coming at us much faster than most of us are prepared for. Here are a few things that I think will be changing in the next few decades.
1. Driving. I think that all interstates will be mandated to be equipped for cars that have automated driving capability. Essentially, some cars will have the ability to drive themselves. This will be rolled out incrementally, and the incentive will be a lane of travel only for auto-drivers. Magnets impeded in the center of the lane can provide an all-weather way for cars to be centered within the lane. Further, radar proximity sensors will keep you very close to the car ahead and behind, which reduces drag and therefore, fuel or battery consumption.
2. Highway Safety in General. As a personal injury lawyer that handles accident cases every day, I see carnage caused by head-on impacts. I have said for years that our descendants in 2050 and later will be amazed at us. They just won’t believe that we drove 87,000 lb. tractor trailer trucks one way, facing school buses and passenger cars coming the other way–separated by a mere 11 inches of yellow painted stripes!
3. Technology implanted in humans. This is actually already here now. Smart chips have been implanted in dogs for over 20 years. They are currently being implanted in human trials. The favored placement is within the fatty layer between the thumb and index finger on the right hand. Many will recall the Bible’s prediction in this area: " . . . and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." -- Revelation 13:15-17.
4. Cashless society. Cash is on the decline. Already, I have traveled abroad without using cash. Debit and credit cards allow use regardless of what country you are in or currency system they use. Locally, at Kroger, and other retailers you hand swipe a card that has data on it that tracks your purchases. They tie an incentive to save on groceries and gas to use it. Exxon gas stations you hand wave in front of scanner to do your business with “Speed Pass.” This all strikes me as great training for a mark within your right hand with which to trade.
It is important to realize that money is not inherently evil, but instead the “love of money” is. Similarly, it is not a chip that is evil, it is the eventual use by a future evil government. Thus, I am not predicting the end of the world or the rise of anti-Christ. However, technology now exists that seem to lay the groundwork for much of what we see predicted in the only reliable text, The Bible. Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life? One day in your future, that will be the ONLY thing that matters to you. Turn to Him today.

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