Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Lost Art of Sportsmanship

Bad Examples for Millington Youth

Recently, I was informed that some youth sports officials would no longer accept assignments in Millington. Why?
Bad sportsmanship. Not on the players’ part. It’s the parents!
I was told that police have even been called to two recent Millington matches to separate parents of elementary-aged children. Really?
If the parents cannot or will not teach respect for authority and that winning is not everything, who will? So, for parents who do wish to teach their children the better (and biblical) way, I have compiled three examples. Discuss these with your children at your evening meal:
London Soccer: Leicester was losing 1-0 at half time. One of their players collapsed in the dressing room. Fearing that his life was in danger, the game was called off and the decision made to replay it three weeks later. At the kick-off of the replay the entire Leicester team stood to one side to allow the other team to restore their lead that they had had in the previous game. Leicester did however go on the win the game, and earned the respect of both sets of fans.
World Soccer: In 2000, Paolo di Canio displayed a moment of sportsmanship that was in contrast to other incidents during his career. He found himself in front of an open goal. But, instead of tapping in to score the winning point, di Canio caught the ball and signaled that an opponent was on the ground in writhing pain and needed urgent attention. This act earned him a standing ovation from supporters.

American Women’s Softball: The Western Oregon softball team’s Sara Tucholsky slammed what appeared to be a three-run homer over the centerfield fence, the senior's first in either high school or college. But Tucholsky wrenched her knee severely at first base and collapsed. Umpires ruled that a pinch-runner could replace Tucholsky and run the bases, but the rules said she would be credited with a single and only two runs would count. So, after being assured there was no rule against it, opponent Central Washington first baseman Mallory Holtman and shortstop Liz Wallace carried Tucholsky around the bases, allowing her to touch her good leg to each bases, completing her homer and adding a run to a 4-2 loss that eliminated the Wildcats from postseason.

It cost them the season, but no one regrets it. What do you think?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

You Do Not Have, For You Do Not Ask

You Do Not Have, For You Do Not Ask

In a legal case involving a work-related injury, I had a letter from the other attorney stating the “maximum” that they would ever pay. The only way that would be increased is in the unlikely event that one of the two treating doctors changed their final rating.
Again, it is rare for a workers compensation doctor to change his rating, but asked both of them asked anyway. One of them did not change it, but the other did. The increased rating led to a settlement well in excess of the “maximum” that was named earlier.
How often would people work with us if we kindly but firmly asked for what we would like? The Bible reminds us “we have not for we ask not.”
This principle also applies to our marriages and other relationships.
In the church or workplace, how many times are we doing things just because “They have always been done that way.”
For instance, what a husband and a wife each feel is “romantic” virtually never match up. That is why it is so important to let your spouse know what you need and not have them just guess.
The best illustration is an old story about a couple coming home late from their 50th anniversary party. Fifty years of raising kids, keeping house and making snacks. He offers to make sandwiches. He lovingly gives her the one made with the heelpiece from the end of the loaf.
She explodes, “For fifty long years you have given me the heel piece of bread and I am just sick of it!”
He looks saddened, and softly says, “But that has always been my favorite piece.”
Communicate, and never give up! We have not for we ask not.
See more of Mr. Peel’s articles on Mr. Peel may be available to speak to your church or club. Contact

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

creation v evolution - missing link?? how bout a missing chain!?!?


If you believe in “monkeys to man” evolution, it would be logical that a “missing link” between man and ape would have been found by now. Of course, many are still looking for the missing link-- however, they might be better off looking for the missing chain!

However, creationists have no fear that any missing link will ever be found. You see, man is the crown of all creation, not a mere accident of chance plus time. Ape bones are just ape bones. Human bones of any age, are just human bones, much to the consternation of evolutionists. They need fossils but they cannot find them.

So, to make a monkey out of you, there are but three ways:

1) Try to find apelike qualities of fossilized human bones;

2) Try to find humanlike qualities of fossilized ape bones; or

3) Just mix up the human and ape bones.

Chart of some Supposed “Missing Links” that try to make a man from a monkey or vice versa:




Initially Called:

Turned Out to Be:


1868 on

Bones found in painted caves in France

“The oldest humans, 15,000 to 37,000 years old”

Men. Really decent artists too.


1856 on

Bones found initially in Germany, since throughout Europe & Middle East

“The oldest humans, 600,000 to 25,000 years old”

Men. Appearance like Aborigines of Australia, but with arthritis & rickets suggesting an ice age life.

“NEBRASKA MAN” Hesperopithecus


Tooth found on a ranch.

“a hominid halfway between JAVA MAN and NEANDERTHALS”

A wild pig tooth.



Eanthropus dawsoni


Human like skull with an ape like lower jaw and tools nearby.

“500,000 year old ape-man / hominid.”

FAKED. The old human skull and modern ape jaw were dyed, sanded and filed to fit. “Modern science” was fooled for over 40 years!!

“JAVA MAN” Pithecanthropus erectus; Homo erectus


Apelike skullcap, humanlike femur & 3 teeth found over several years and 45 feet. Two human skulls found too, but he hid that till 1922.

“Oldest hominid remains ever found; a potential intermediate form between modern humans and the common ancestor we share with the other great apes.”

Skull and 2 teeth were from apes, one tooth form a human. Discoverer confirmed before death, it is not an ape-man.


Sinanthropus pekinensis; Homo erectus


2 teeth initially. Eventually 30 skulls, some jaw and teeth found. Oddly, found in piles in ancient quarry where workers ate monkey brains. Oh, and all skulls were bashed in the rear.

Based on 2 teeth initially called a “hominid.

Classified as apes. either a “macaque” or a “baboon.” (All bones have been missing for 60 years.)


Australopithecus afarensis


3.6 foot tall apelike bone pieces, scattered on a slope

Said to be 3.2 million years old, an apelike skull in an upright walking “hominid

Still classified as an “ape

“ARDI” Ardipithecus ramidus

1992, but not announced till 2009

4 foot tall apelike bone pieces, in poor condition, along with over 6000 “animal bones” nearby

Said to be 4.4 + million years old, an apelike skull, that climbed in an apelike manner, but could walk upright like a chimp, called “the oldest hominid

Still classified as an “ape”

It takes a lot of faith to believe in evolution, since it is not scientifically repeatable and no human was there. Creation is not scientifically repeatable, but God was there. At least He said He was in the Bible.

What will you believe?

All prior articles in this series can be searched on

Lucy’s remains.